Support And Education

Awareness can lead to prevention and early diagnosis and treatment. Familiarity with the relationship between mental health and Eating can lead to increased consciousness and empathy for those who are suffering or struggling while decreasing the stigma often associated with these mental illnesses.

eating disorders emotional_eating disordered_eating over-exercise crossfit gym boxing anorexia bulimia binge eating
Your Guide to Understand Hunger

How to challenge your fear foods?

eating disorders emotional_eating disordered_eating over-exercise crossfit gym boxing anorexia bulimia binge eating
Bariatric Surgery: Understanding the Impact on Mental Health

eating disorders emotional_eating disordered_eating over-exercise crossfit gym boxing anorexia bulimia binge eating
Countering negative Body Image: How to be positive

Eating disorders’ alarming signs

Fasting in Ramadan after Eating Disorder Recovery

ُEating Disorders in sports: the real story behind Athletes' struggles

10 ways to cope after a Lapse/Relapse in Eating Disorder recovery