Fasting in Ramadan after Eating Disorder Recovery
Ramadan is the 9th and the holiest month of the Islamic calendar, during Ramadan Muslims do not eat or drink anything between the fajr and maghrib prayers, this is called Fasting. In this holy month, Muslims seek spiritual closeness to God, reading from the holy Quran and doing tarawih prayers. They increase their charity and are encouraged to provide meals to those in need.
Moreover, Ramadan is supposed to be a month of healing and blessings but can be very challenging for those recovering/recovered from their ED, fasting can trigger them to fall back into the old destructive cycle of ED behaviors (binging purging, restricting). So here are some tips on dealing with Ramadan after Eating Disorder Recovery:
- Contact your Physician before fasting, you have an exception not to fast if it will cause you harm or relapse.
- If you are going to Fast. Make sure to talk to someone you trust and let them know how they can support you throughout Ramadan. Remember we fast for god, not for Eating disorders. Fasting is not a diet plan, it is a holy worship.
- If you are not able to fast, be connected and spiritual. keep contact with Allah, read Quran, and attend tawareeh prayers. Choose what makes you comfortable and mindful.
- When you do use social media, use it in beneficial ways. Follow content that can help you facing your fears in Ramadan and avoid any videos about cooking and reviewing food. Be aware of your triggers.
- Ask God to give you strength and help you overcome this challenge in your life. Remember that faith gives us power. Believe that there is a higher power that fuels us with willpower that can change maladaptive behaviors and accept what we cannot change.
- Ramadan can be a challenge for people suffering/recovering/recovered from an ED, but it can also be a challenge for them to get better. Be merciful and patient.